Holy CATS. I was up early, decorating the tree. And then this weird sound came from the outside, and if you're from colder places, you probably know what I'm talking about. But I'm from Central Texas, so I have a thousand words that fail to describe it utterly. And lo, I opened the door, and there it was, like a really gentle hailstorm.
So, like anyone who's lived in Southern Central Texas their whole life long, I lost all my sense and ran out in my total lack of proper clothing to take pictures. I got bunches, actually, but I don't think anything says "We did not expect this" on an environmental level like snow in blooming sunflowers.
So. Uh. Wow. Happy Holidays, with a vengeance!

hehe how fun!! Those are the cutest snow pictures I've ever seen. Such tiny little snowflakes, yet SO AWESOME that you can experience the snow!! HAVE FUN!!! :D
That's cool! no pun intended...
The flakes are like sunflower dandruff....so cute & tiny :P
Very "cute" snow! I'd be the same way if it happened to snow here in Southern California!
I had to enlarge the photos to see the snow. Cute! Enjoy your snow.
How fun to get unexpected snow! Enjoy!
Oooh! You can do like we did when we were kids, and round up all the neighborhood children, and all the snow in every yard, and make one miniature snowman! Hurrah!
Your photos look magical! Enjoy the snow!
LOL, snow in Texas! That's something to get excited about. Snow in NJ, I can live without!
Aww, thanks for all the snow-support!
Kara, Zomgies! We totally did that way back in 92! And in, like, 2009, someone in Austin took all of their tiny snow for streets around and made a little snowman hood ornament. It was great!
Melissa, there are some parts of the state that get snow pretty regular. But not Deep in the Heart (clap!). Last time we had really serious snow was, I think, '84. The town lake froze over!
How cool!! I'll let you know if it snows here (San Diego), lol!!
I love it! I've lived here in the Phoenix, AZ area a total of about 23 years and I think I've seen it snow here in town about 4 times - it's always soooo cool when it does! Nothing like my hometown of Chicago, but I'll take what I can get!
We don't get much snow where I live either, so I totally understand your excitement!
Lovely pictures. Your blog is a beautiful as the pictures. I am glad that you were able to enjoy the joy of snow.
Snow, you call that snow? LOL
I'm from Chicago and I know what snow looks like.
I know how you feel.. coz last month I just talked to my Aunt who lives in San antonio, Texas.. that are there any snow there.. and she told me Texas doesn't have any since she's live there for more than 30 years... LOL I guess I have to talk to her again.. is there any snow in her town..
Oh.. Great Pictures.. Carapace!
I can't stop smiling and giggling. Don't know if its your reaction as would be mine, or how wonderfully you've described the experience...both, I know!!!
My face hurts..and I'm jealous.
I was so bummed when I heard that it was snowing in great quanties in my home town (south of Houston). Mom said it was the strangest feeling to walk out of the store and have to walk on snow!
And the second it began snowing at our Central Texas home, I bundled up the kids...as toddlers they had no idea what the fuss was all about--but what joy!
Awww yeah, my Texas folks know what I'm talkin' about!
Linda, this is why we say you northerners are rude, comin' round here and raggin' on our snow. ;)
Patch, your mom's in San Antonio? How exciting! If you ever come up to visit, let me know-- I LOVE San Antonio! Maybe we could meet!:D
Nothing says Happy Holidays like a little snow :)
I can't believe you're getting it before we are here in Iowa!!!
When I was younger, I remember a cousin of mine who grew up in FL and had never seen snow before. I just couldn't fathom it since I actually got out of having to go to school for snow days when I grew up. It was a funny realization to a kid. Anyway, enjoy it & happy holidays!!
snow in central texas. crazy. we had snow in north florida once way back in 1989. the entire city of jacksonville literally and figuratively froze! even the airport closed! hope you had fun playing in your snow.
Yay for snow, the loud weather!! And I'm going to use 'holy cats' now for a few days.
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