And everything was canceled.
Seriously. There is snow on the ground, it's STICKING, and it's already thick enough to cover cat feet. I don't know if I'm excited or terrified, because this is deeply unnatural, but either way: this is what has my full attention, now.
So enjoy your day, and may your weather patterns be less alarming! I will be making emergency cocoa.
I too am located in TX and was surprised to see some snow falling where I'm at. It didn't stick though. Just think, you get 1/2 inch and things get cancelled when the NE gets several feet and school is delayed. I for one took it as an excuse to make brownies and hot chocolate.
Ha, that is a DUSTING. We got about 8 inches in 1 night kids still had school the next day. =)
where's the pic of you making snow fairies?
Aren't you in TX? That's crazy talk. I heard recently that it was snowing in 49 of the 50 states one day. Crazy.
Get out the blankies, turn on the movies, beef up the fire and make extra cocoa!!
Julie- yeah, we'll see how the NE folk do in summer, when they start wailing about their "heat wave".
Yknot, I shall make a special point of laughing at you. Ha! Indeed. Your turn will come, Missy!;)
Mermaiden- Do you think I'm mad?!? I'm not laying down in that! It's COLD!
Also, if I was making snow fairies, who'd be holding the camera? *cue Twilight Zone Theme*
Athena, I am in South-Central Texas. Not even the officially sanctioned cold bits!
Marzel- that's the best advice I've had all day! Now, if I could just get the cats to stay on my feet...
we got a dusting in Oklahoma, where I'm at, but it was gone by lunchtime {:-D
It's in TX too? I'm in NJ, and my car looks like a big white mushroom. Apparently there's about a foot & a half in Central Park already. My husband fishtailed to work in NYC today in his Jeep, and is probably driving two other people home to Jersey because all of the buses have completely stopped running.
It's been snowing in weird places lately. That coco sounds great!
WOW, okay? These photos are wonderful. I enjoyed this snow. Probably... much more than you did?
Hope all is well!
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