Seriously, I gotta say that. Otherwise the State Spirit enforcers will come for me. They have guns! As do I! You don't want to see an artist shoot out, do you?
All that being a roundabout way of leading up to this week's showcase, on Team Etsy Texas!
If I lived the life in which I would like to become accustomed, I would own everything Glassnwood makes. Future things also. But someone should own this, and soon:

Now you may not think these scrubbies from Lavender Lizard are as awesome as I do:

But that just means you've never cleaned dishes with proper scrubbies. Believe me, they make dishwashing a different, and much less depressing, experience.
This journal by bethstudio is just lovely:

But she taunts me by saying she's going along the color wheel.Come on, Beth! Get to green!
tinalewis makes some lovely pottery. But this is the first one I've seen her make that can also protect you from vampires:

Tiny, flying, buzzing vampires. Buy it, or learn the true power of the mosquito!
Argh, just one spot left! It's tempting to give it to Fearless Leader Thistlecraft, for a variety of reasons, not least her lovely scarves. Or Sweetwolf,who has such great little lunchbags. But I must be honest, and this bag from Refabulous:

has captured my heart in its many tentacles. Come on, it's a messenger bag with a random octopus! How could I not love it?
Once again, I hardly got to touch on the cool Etsyness available. Go check out Etsy Search with TeamEtsyTx DesignChallenge or just click hyar:
But know that one of mine won't be there, because it sold. Yes! Best Challenge Ever!
my goodness that octobag is awesome!!
and congrats on your sale!!
Wow, that journal is just simply beautiful! I can't wait to see the green one too hehe. ;)
CC: Thank you, thank you! And congrats on your surpassing heartedness, too:).
cb: Gah, isn't it gorgeous? Things like that make me glad to have a color limit on what I buy (green, Cara, only green! The color of the money you're not keeping!). I love your blog, btw-- leaving comments all over!
Hehe thanks for the comments, I commented back and on my post about antiquing you will find baked, tinted moon pendant pictures! :)
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