Monday, November 24, 2008

Basket Cat

Y'know, for a while, I was drawing huge galloping herds of animals. Then I stopped, and fell out of the habit, and stuff like yesterday happens.

Today's a little better:

Since I apparently decided to stink up a basket weave, instead. But more animal practice is clearly on the horizon for me!

Maybe I'll draw more turkeys. It's my first year hosting the big dinner, so it's sort of on my mind. What's everyone else doing for the holiday?


maryeb said...

I think it's a lovely sketch. Cats make such great subjects. I'm not sure about turkeys.

I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and don't get too stressed. It's a lot of work being the hostess.

I'm lucky. This year I'm just a guest. My biggest dilemma is what to bring my wonderful hostess.

Anonymous said...

Cara, the sketch is lovely as Mary says. We have 6 if you need inspiration!

Mannie of MannieMandible said...

It looks great girl! I can't wait to see more turkeys! I liked your sketch of the boy with one on his head!! ♥Mannie

Pamela Baker said...

What an adorable sketch. I can just imagine the cat inside the basket in another second!

Carapace said...

maryeb-Hey, I was just looking at your earrings again today-- they're so cool!
Turkeys are fascinating. I love turkeys. I must now make an effort to show the world the glory of the true turkey.

Tulip, cats are maybe the best art subjects on earth. They're so stylized, just sitting there! Now if I can just get the faces right...

Mannie- thanks!As indicated above, more turkeys are a'comin!

Magdalene- Thank you! Now I may have to do a comic about a certain cat story. Gad, just what the internet needs, another comic about a will all be your fault!;)

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Cute kitty! My plans are that my hubby and my family are going to my in-laws for the day! And we're hopefully going to finish moving before dinner...

Carapace said...

Roseworks, I missed that you were moving again! Or is this still the tail end of your earlier move?

Have fun at the in-laws!

agoodwitchtoo said...

Very cute!